Why Paizo Is Banning AI-Generated Art and Text Across Its Games

  • Benjamin Davis
  • Mar 02, 2023
  • 317
Why Paizo Is Banning AI-Generated Art and Text Across Its Games

Paizo, the publisher of popular tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) such as Pathfinder and Starfinder, recently banned AI-generated art and text. The company is updating its contracts in the coming days to ensure that humans must create all content submitted. This includes fan-made content for the community content marketplaces for Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite. So why is Paizo taking this step?

The primary reason behind this ban is to protect creators’ rights and the originality of their work. In a statement on Twitter, Paizo said that they want to ensure that authors are credited with their work, as well as provide an environment where creativity can flourish without fear of being stolen or copied by artificial intelligence algorithms. Furthermore, it ensures that intellectual property remains under the control of its rightful owners rather than being used without permission or sold by third parties using AI technology.

To enforce these changes, Paizo has promised strict enforcement measures against any attempts at submitting works generated through artificial intelligence algorithms. This includes revoking licenses from those who attempt to pass off AI creations as authentic human ones or use them in any commercial activity without prior authorization from the author or copyright owner. It will also impose heavy fines on anyone guilty of breaching these terms & conditions.

Overall, it seems like a good move for both creators and consumers alike, ensuring originality while preventing potential abuse from algorithmic generation programs, which could lead to plagiarism or copyright infringement cases down the line if left unchecked. It also encourages more genuine creativity instead of relying heavily upon automated processes which lack any kind of human touch – something vital in TTRPGs where imagination plays an essential part in the game development process itself!

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