Mozilla Firefox 109 Supports Google's Manifest V3 Without Killing Ad Blocking
- Jan 19, 2023
- 246

Mozilla Firefox is one of the few remaining browsers not powered by Google's Chromium rendering engine. With the new Firefox 109, Mozilla is introducing support for Google's controversial Manifest V3, the underlying protocol used to make extensions work. Thankfully, Mozilla is not including one of the worst aspects of the protocol - ad and content blocking will remain available and functioning as expected.
The Manifest V3 protocol is a set of rules and regulations that all major browsers must follow in order to provide a successful and secure web experience. With Firefox 109, Mozilla has added support for the protocol, but they are not implementing one of its most controversial aspects - the blocking of content and ad blockers. This is a welcome decision as many users rely on content and ad blockers to protect their online privacy and security.
In addition, Mozilla and Google are collaborating to make it easier for developers to create add-ons for both Firefox and Chrome. This is great news for developers as they will only have to create one version of their extension to make it available on both platforms. It will also make things easier for users, as they will have access to the same extensions regardless of which browser they use.
Mozilla's decision to support the Manifest V3 while still allowing content and ad blockers to remain functional is a very welcome one. It shows that they are willing to support the protocol while still prioritizing the user's experience. This is a great example of how a company can provide support for new technologies while still taking into account the needs of its users.
The new Firefox 109 is a great step forward for Mozilla and its users. It provides support for Google's Manifest V3 protocol while still allowing users to benefit from the privacy and security that content and ad blockers offer. If you are a fan of Firefox and want to experience the latest version, be sure to check out Firefox 109. Tell us your thoughts in the comments!