Lords of the Fallen final update introduces modifiers for rogue-lite challenge

  • Charlotte Price
  • Apr 26, 2024
  • 0
Lords of the Fallen final update introduces modifiers for rogue-lite challenge

Hexworks, the developer behind Lords of the Fallen, has introduced the last installment of its free update series, acknowledging the initial technical struggles encountered upon its release last year. The latest update, named Master of Fate, features a modifier that revolutionizes gameplay by enabling players to randomize seven different game aspects. For example, by randomizing enemy spawns and loot drops and implementing permadeath, the game morphs into a rogue-lite experience.

Since its debut in October, Hexworks has diligently released updates to enhance the game’s performance and user experience while adding new features. Saul Gascon, the executive producer and studio head at Hexworks, shared through a video release that the team faced unique challenges as early adopters of Unreal Engine 5, which led them into new technical territory. Despite thorough preparations, players encountered some technical issues at launch, which were promptly brought to the team's attention.

According to Gascon, significant strides have been made since then. The likelihood of in-game crashes has been reduced to below one percent, and improvements in overall performance and multiplayer stability have been achieved. He expressed confidence in the current state of the game, marking it as the best version since its release.

The update introduces additional gameplay modifiers such as withered healing, which requires players to inflict damage on enemies to gain full healing from health items, and an option to adjust mob density. Players can access and adjust these settings at vestige checkpoints throughout the game.

Explore the enhanced gaming experience in Lords of the Fallen as Hexworks unveils its ultimate free update, promising more stable and engaging gameplay for its audience.

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