Google Chrome Introduces Partial Custom Tabs to Improve In-App Browsing Experience

  • Charlotte Price
  • Feb 18, 2023
  • 254
Google Chrome Introduces Partial Custom Tabs to Improve In-App Browsing Experience

Google Chrome has long been the go-to app for web browsing, but now it’s introducing a new feature that promises to improve the in-app browsing experience even further.

Partial custom tabs allow users to open web pages without leaving their current app, and can be resized to fit whatever space is available within the app. This feature is sure to be a welcome addition for frequent web browsers who want to keep their current app in view. 

Custom tabs were originally introduced as a feature of Google Chrome, but have since been expanded to work with any supported browser. The new partial custom tabs feature allows apps to control the tab height, meaning that users can adjust the size of the tab to fit the space available in their current app. This is particularly useful for apps that have limited screen space, as users can choose to keep the web page open without sacrificing their current app. 

The feature also has some added benefits as it allows users to open multiple pages without leaving their current app. This makes it easier to switch between web pages without having to constantly open and close tabs. Additionally, the pages will open faster than they would if they were opened in a separate tab, as they will be cached within the current app. 

Google’s new partial custom tabs feature is sure to be a big hit among frequent web browsers. The ability to open web pages without leaving the app you’re currently using and to adjust the tab height to fit the space available is a great way to improve the in-app browsing experience. With this new feature, Google Chrome is taking a big step forward in making web browsing easier and more efficient than ever.

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